Review response Service

Responding Reviews is optional. A partnership with an external company.

Future customers rely on reviews and their answers more than anything else. ​Responding to reviews shows the hotel cares about the customer feedback. 

What is said to one customer signals to all others how they can expect to be treated by your hotel and increases willingness to book.

Responding fast and personally, in the language of the client and with the tone of voice that reflects the company positioning is an ART.

Our service proposes: 

  • Consistency in your review answers across platforms & countries, in sync with your communication guidelines 
  • Unique & personalized answers (no templates) to maximize the impact on revenue, communication style adapted to the different countries & hotels
  • 24/7, in all languages, presented on a user-friendly platform
  • Overview of the tops & flops mentioned in the reviews
  • Freeing up valuable time for the hotel staff. Time that can be invested in the guest or to solve the problems raised in the reviews. 

By answering: 

  • You close the customer service cycle: customers want their voice to be heard and they want to be thanked
  • You’re focusing on PR ! The responses written are for all future potential customers to read and will influence their reservation decision. What is said to one customer signals to all others how they can expect to be treated by your hotel
  • You have some free advertising on some of the most influential, visible platforms through the review responses 
  • You get the chance to win back a lost consumer 

Medallia study finds that hotels that respond to social media reviews grow occupancy rates faster than social media laggards